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13-year-old Livingstone suffered a severe oxygen deficiency at birth. Since then he has been severely physically and mentally restricted. He can neither walk nor speak. Even swallowing is difficult for him. In addition, he suffers from recurrent seizures. Together with his family he lives in Timbwani .

Due to his disability and the adverse living conditions Livingstone was severely malnourished. In October 2019, his weight was just the equivalent of that of a healthy three-year-old boy.


With your support, we have already been able to achieve a lot for Livingstone: There now is a specially high-caloric prepared food, which he receives from a person employed by us together with his medication according to a fixed schedule. Besides, we were able to buy the family a blender, so that the normal food is also crushed for Livingstone, so that he can swallow it. Since then, regular checks at Kingston Hospital have shown a steady increase in weight.

In addition, we were able to adapt a wheelchair especially to his needs. In the past, Livingstone could be pushed outside in a pram. But since he outgrew it, he had to spend most of his day in the cabin. With the new wheelchair he can now participate in the social life outside the hut again.

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